Your individualized program will begin with an in-depth history, discussion, and education regarding your specific concerns.
Musculoskeletal evaluations:
As with any of your conditions or concerns, a whole-body evaluation and assessment is performed. You will be asked to complete an in-depth patient history ensuring that we are familiar with your specific needs and concerns.
Symptom reduction or abatement:
Advanced manual therapy techniques, such as myo/gyno fascial release techniques, cranio-sacral fascial therapy and neuromuscular therapy are utilized to restore postural alignment, reduce fascial restrictions or adhesions, facilitate sensory control and awareness, and restore normal muscle tone.
Specifically for women’s health concerns, evaluation and sessions may be performed vaginally or rectally as appropriate. Prior to internal work being performed, an educational session will take place where the procedures, anatomy and physiology of the pelvic floor will be discussed, and you will have an opportunity to obtain answers to any and all of your questions. All techniques will be thoroughly explained before they are used and will only be used with your consent. It is your right, and our expectation, that you will stop any treatment if you have any doubts or concerns.
You are in control of the session. Your words and body language will be listened to and respected. In addition, open communication is suggested and encouraged at any time during your treatment.
Enhancing Progress:
I will suggest, encourage, and teach self-treatment. This will enhance the progress made during sessions and accelerate healing. You are also empowered with a life-long skill for self-healing.
Coordination with your other health professionals:
I will gladly work in coordination with your physicians and other healthcare professionals to help restore normal flexibility and tone to the muscles of the pelvic floor, creating normal tolerance of the soft tissue both externally and internally.
For More Information:
You may want to familiarize yourself with the foundation of myo/gyno fascial release treatment by reading the following two articles:
Myofascial Release: The Missing Link
This article explains the tissue called fascia and how it contributes to your pain or dysfunction in general.
Myofascial Release: The Missing Link in Women’s Health
This article focuses specifically on women’s health concerns with a brief explanation of the role of fascia. The article above explains fascia in more detail.